The legality of the wood origin is approved in accordance with the certificating mechanism of the domestically-made wood promoted by Forestry Bureau.
The overall image focuses on the concept of MIT wood. The circle symbolizes concept of sustainability in the forests of Taiwan. The style of the upward developing branches symbolizes the extensive effects of the wood of Taiwan. The planned process from planting, carbon fixation, thinning, to the processed making into Taiwanese wood furniture puts carbon fixation into practice in the urban life. Therefore, the mark features sustainability (circle). The extended branches from the trunk display the grand crisscrossing network, which invites a discussion on the mutual reliance and profits between “forest” and “cities.” The purchase of the products with this mark means an eco-friendly consuming action. The certified mechanism can literally be applied to trace such nature-damaging behavior as illegal wood poaching to guarantee the consumer right.
循環資材華麗變身 官學協力開發台灣山林新風味
國產林木精油是各界引領期盼的療癒系商品原料,更是帶動臺灣林業多元發展的重要角色。林業及自然保育署臺中分署與國立中興大學合作,將人工林修枝除伐後的紅檜、香杉、杉木等木材,進行精油萃取與活性分析,該分署於今日發表研究成果及展示最新產品-「八仙山印象」複方精油禮盒,以及「玉桂出雲山」系列新品如土肉桂牙膏、嗽口水以及精油貼布等生活用品,令人耳目一新,詢問度熱烈。 […]
5場段木香菇栽培課程 免費用免報名參加
天氣逐漸轉涼,來碗香味四溢、滋補強身又能增強體力的香菇雞湯,再幸福不過!11月起是一年一度最適合栽種段木香菇的季節,林業及自然保育署花蓮分署23日起開設5場次段木香菇栽培課程,歡迎部落、社區、民眾等就近前往觀摩學習,全程免費用、免報名,人來就對了! […]